I spent three solid days and nights cutting, sewing and stitching the two Tibetan Panel Coats; I'll post a photo in a few days, and hope to get pictures of my clients wearing the coats too. The Folkwear pattern turned out well but it was far more work than the deceptively simple design suggests, with several miles of hand-sewing. I used a fabric that had a sort of hard waxy finish on it (the African suncloth below from equilter.com) that made for some slow stitching, along with dupioni silk -- violet and gold for one, and warm reddish-browns for the other -- and cotton lining.
Tribal yet elegant, yes?
In other news, I'm writing posts for EcoSalon.com, a brand new "green" product and information blog aimed at environmental, creative, interesting women. My official beat is the Artisan category, though I cross over into Home, Wellness, and Fashion. Please take a look and feel free to send me suggestions on artisan jewelry, accessories, objects, textiles, designers, organizations, places, events, and Web sites you think might be a good fit for that site.
I applied for the editorial position at Fiberarts magazine but did not get the job. The magazine is a wonderful resource and I send best wishes and good luck to the person they selected.
I have a million blog posts in my head . . . slowly and authentically, I'll get them written and onscreen! Thanks for checking in.
Tribal, elegant, and sumptuous! Mmmm, violet and gold...
Too bad about Fiberarts. Maybe something better is waiting down the pike.
Posted by: Sue in western WA | March 07, 2008 at 10:17 AM
that type of fabric has heavy pigment layers and i know it is hard to get the needle through. such a bummer when hand sewing. sorry about fiberarts, it is a great publication, i guess there is a lot of competition....
Posted by: jude | March 06, 2008 at 04:57 AM
love the fabric, can't wait to see the finished creation. know what you mean about having a million posts in your head - i compose posts throughout the day then often have to cordon off a meager 15 minutes or so to actually type and send. am taking a deep breath and changing that, though. going to check out ecosalon right now. always enjoy stopping by here.
Posted by: jeanne, herself | March 05, 2008 at 07:51 PM
Can't wait to see those wearable art pieces--the fabric looks gorgeous and the colourway sounds stunning!!!!!!
Posted by: arlee | March 05, 2008 at 07:13 PM