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June 06, 2009


Your post reminds me of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: And Inquiry Into Values by Robert Pursig. The author speaks to the value of being totally present with the experience of maintaining a motorbike, which takes it to the level of meaningful art if you allow for it. It has been a while since I read this but the message rang true to me, whether I was working in a laboratory or at the sewing machine...this kind of focus and affection marries the rational with the artistic. I have found a deep relationship to nature with my hands, my passion for life, and the crafts I love.

You can listen to an interview with Matthew Crawford on the Diane Rheem show. It was last week. I happened to hear it when I was driving somewhere. I'm looking forward to reading the book after hearing the interview. Sometimes getting stuck in traffic has its benefits! :)
Hope the new job is going well!

Thanks for the nice DudeCraft mention! Funny to think about the look of my site as "overcompensating". I just like red and black and helvetica, but it guess it does look kind of forceful, now that you mention it. The other funny thing is the "reaching my audience" quote. I'm finding that the majority of my readers are women. I guess your idea about women liking to see men make things is right on the money. Thanks again for the nice post.

Paul (DudeCraft)

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10 Qualities of Slow Cloth, by Elaine Lipson

  • I defined Slow Cloth several years ago on this blog. Read the original post at http://lainie.typepad.com/redthread/2008/01/this-must-be-th-1.html. (Copyright Elaine Lipson 2007-2011; all rights reserved).
  • Joy
    Slow Cloth has the possibility of joy in the process. In other words, the journey matters as much as the destination.
  • Contemplation
    Slow Cloth offers the quality of meditation or contemplation in the process.
  • Skill
    Slow Cloth involves skill and has the possibility of mastery.
  • Diversity
    Slow Cloth acknowledges the rich diversity and multicultural history of textile art.
  • Teaching
    Slow Cloth honors its teachers and lineage even in its most contemporary expressions.
  • Materials
    Slow Cloth is thoughtful in its use of materials and respects their source.
  • Quality
    Slow Cloth artists, designers, crafters and artisans want to make things that last and are well-made.
  • Beauty
    It's in the eye of the beholder, yes, but it's in our nature to reach for beauty and create it where we can.
  • Community
    Slow Cloth supports community by sharing knowledge and respecting relationships.
  • Expression
    Slow Cloth is expressive of individuals and/or cultures. The human creative force is reflected and evident in the work.

Global Textile Explorers


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