The full Thunder Moon peaks tonight at about 3:30 a.m. Mountain time. We've had amazing thunderstorms, huge dramatic weather events rolling across the sky, all through June and continuing on into July. Part of my drive home is a stretch of open highway with a beautiful view of the mountains and a panoramic sky. This morning there was a strange fog bank and uncharacteristic haze, and this afternoon you could see storms in every direction. I don't mind a thunderstorm at all, but I don't like driving in them - fortunately the sun was shining on me today.
Muscular with gods and sungold
Shine on your witness
In the refuge of the roads.
-- Joni Mitchell, Refuge of the Roads
This full moon is also an eclipse, and the astrologers say it marks an energetic cycle from the eclipse of July 7, 1991. Do you know where you were then? I do exactly; my father died on July 17 of that year, of cancer, and I was in California, sort of floundering between Santa Cruz and Chico, where he lived.
With the thunder comes lightning. This photograph comes from the Flickr sight of Chris and Lara Pawluk; it's a lightning storm in Alberta, where I was born.
That IS exciting weather! I didn't know you were born in Alberta, perhaps that's why you love those storms. Having grown up in Winnipeg I always loved the thunderstorms on the prairies where you can see the lightning hundreds of miles away it seemed.
Posted by: marja-leena | July 06, 2009 at 09:33 PM