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September 29, 2012


Selinde, thank you! Your Local Cloth project makes me want to move to Asheville. It looks quite amazing. Id love to learn more about your model and whether it can be replicated in other communities. Dont be discouraged - there is momentum to the slow textile approach and you are truly doing something remarkable. Ive just posted it on the Slow Cloth FB page. And thank you for your kind words. Id be honored to be on your blogroll if you feel inclined. Warm regards, Elaine

I continue to be inspired by your clear and concise laying out of Slow Cloth's principles. I am a textile designer and weaver working with natural dyes, in a community committed to local craft and the honor of making, yet at times I feel like such a drop in the bucket of $5 t-shirts. What you are doing by sustaining this movement is so very important to so many of us. Please know it matters!

Oops, if you do go to my site, the link I gave you isn't working because of the parentheses. Just try the blog and click on codex canadensis in the sidebar.

Lainie, it's so good to read your words again. Thanks so much for sharing the PDF of your talk. At the risk of being self-promoting, you may be interested in seeing the embroidery work I have been doing for the last several months (http://truestitches.blogspot.ca/search/label/codex%20canadensis) After reading the text of your talk, I feel that this work embodies the approach of Slow Cloth. You and your work have undoubtedly been an influence on me, thank you so much for defining a space where I feel I belong.

A great read, Elaine. Congratulations.

"Make some or all of the qualities of Slow Cloth your reference point, and you regain power,
control, and meaning over your relationship with textiles." To me, reading your thoughts on Slow Cloth always brings me calmness and also courage; at once your thoughts bring me back to my 0,0 in my making, and that I needn't worry so much.

You have known that I always wondered about place/origin of certain textile traditions and the Internet/travel and transplanting of techniques, aesthetics and other components of the making. This time I also wondered if generational cultivation/handling of certain traditions relate to SC; that traditions (and I think I mean largely aesthetic,) that have survived in a region, say, have something of a universal appeal. Being a twice-transplanted citizen of this planet, I think this may be a never-ending issue for me.

I was reminded that in 2001-2 when I started to think about a url for my weaving website, Slow Weaver remained a strong candidate until at last it lost the one I picked. It was between justifying my slow speed of work vs making me get working and the latter won.

And lastly but not at all the least, I'd love to see more of your textile work. Pretty, please.

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10 Qualities of Slow Cloth, by Elaine Lipson

  • I defined Slow Cloth several years ago on this blog. Read the original post at http://lainie.typepad.com/redthread/2008/01/this-must-be-th-1.html. (Copyright Elaine Lipson 2007-2011; all rights reserved).
  • Joy
    Slow Cloth has the possibility of joy in the process. In other words, the journey matters as much as the destination.
  • Contemplation
    Slow Cloth offers the quality of meditation or contemplation in the process.
  • Skill
    Slow Cloth involves skill and has the possibility of mastery.
  • Diversity
    Slow Cloth acknowledges the rich diversity and multicultural history of textile art.
  • Teaching
    Slow Cloth honors its teachers and lineage even in its most contemporary expressions.
  • Materials
    Slow Cloth is thoughtful in its use of materials and respects their source.
  • Quality
    Slow Cloth artists, designers, crafters and artisans want to make things that last and are well-made.
  • Beauty
    It's in the eye of the beholder, yes, but it's in our nature to reach for beauty and create it where we can.
  • Community
    Slow Cloth supports community by sharing knowledge and respecting relationships.
  • Expression
    Slow Cloth is expressive of individuals and/or cultures. The human creative force is reflected and evident in the work.


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